heyy people! =)
finally i am back! ^^
well... my work end alr.
so i am freeeee! yay me! =D
oh! went out ytr with sandy, ash & ancient liang! =)
i have been going out for a super long time man!
so i consider that as my 1st happiness of the day. (^.^)
went to orchard, far east plaza. ^^
shop there and i bought a new tee and a pair of earrings!
then went to ehub to play bowling! =D
damn long nv bowl liao le. we are suppose to meet zx & jy there.
but ended up zx nv come! that stupid woman! hahaha!
then jy came very late. cause she went for her medical checkup.
so the 3 of us bowl first! =)
whoo~ i keep on sparing then strikeee~ hahahaha! =D
i even won sandy! how great! ^^ cause she always super pro one.
so this time round i win her! *very happy!*
went home and reach at around 7+.
& my JLPT results came le! i was super excited!
guess what??? I PASSED MY JLPT!!! WHOOOOO!!!! YEAH! =DDD
i was freaking happy luh! i didnt expect myself to do quite well.
in the end i passed! cause i scared my listening fail but i still pass! ^^
though my listening pass but wasnt very gd luh.
still the overall result is the most impt one. so still okay! =)
in order to pass JLPT, you have to get 240/400 then consider pass.
& i got 321/400!!! =D
so i passed and i am going to get my certificate soon! ^^
cant wait to go to Japanese Cultural Society of Singapore to get my cert! XD
& this is the 2nd happiness of the day! (^^,)
well... guess that's all for now! =)
my score report! =) (above)
28th Feb, Sunday
konnichiwa mina! =)
it's me! hahaha.
anw today is the last day of work for me.
& i will be going to the NATAS fair!!! =DDD
though i am kinda excited to go there work
but at the same time, i am kinda sad.
cause my last day will be expo and i wont get to see the rest
of my colleagues.
plus we wanted to take group photos but me and eunice will be at natas.
so bo bian. dont have everybody! haiz... oh well...
but i did took with some of them alr.
most of them are with eunice! hahaha! =D
it was fun at natas! =)
meet up with eunice first at ard 10.30.
i reach expo mrt station super early and i have no idea why! LOL!
then waited for her to arrive.
went to the toliet before going to natas.
walked to hall 4 & 5 which seems like a long way frm the station.
haha! =) took some photos outside expo. ^^
waited outside hall 4 cause dont have tickets in.
had to call chirstina to bring us the tickets.
hahaha! =D then went in with her.
i felt that we were kinda late though.
cause when we were there, everybody seems to reach liao le. LOL!
it was kinda weird cause me and eunice only know each other!
hahaha! no luh. we know cp ppl. but nv really talk to them.
so ya... then met ppl frm everywhere!
hahaha! not really luh. =)
met ppl frm suntec, vivo, hougang, etc.
hahaha! =) so like can meet alot of ppl.
but office ppl also gt come so yeah...
still i had my fun! =D
me & eunice, our first job was to give out flyer! LOL!
then took turns with the rest. =)
wanyi and elvin were the first to talk to me and eunice.
hahaha! =D wanyi is super friendly! ^^
elvin is very funny but he very ke lian.
keep kanna shoot by eunice and wanyi! =D
hahahaha! =) well.. not exactly them only luh.
almost most of us! hahaha! =D
i at first dont know which outlet elvin was frm,
he also dont want tell me.
but when he mention xinxing then i know! LOL!
super funny! XD & eunice couldnt hear him properly
partly because the music is too loud another reason is
that she couldnt really understand what elvin was talking about.
then she keep saying wrongly what elvin say!
hahaha! super funny! me & wanyi laugh like siao! =DDD
then we talked to others also. ^^
customers come then serve and all.
chatted with them most of the time! :X
LOL! then continue to give out flyer.
but nt me and eunice luh.
change ppl liao le.
in the end bcme eunice and elvin compete who give out flyers the fastest!
LOLL! that one really can laugh die me! XDDD
had my lunch. =) food was provided!
so not need to buy. hahaha! ^^
the food was nice! though wendy say it wasn't.
maybe that day she went the food not so nice ba. haha.
got free drink also. cause the heaven and earth booth was behind wt booth only!
haha! ^^ had lots of fun! =)
too bad pika nv come! wendy go diff day. so bo bian! haha.
after natas, all of us exchange nos. ^^
then went brochure shopping with eunice! haha =DDD
went ard collecting japan & taiwan brochure! ^^
after that, we took mrt back hm.
took the train along with vivo ppl too. haha! X)
well... guess that's all! =)
my ticket to NATAS! =)
27th Feb, Saturday
heyy people! =)
okay. today sure was a busy day! ^^
went for my jap class in the morning! =D
was suppose to meet mrs yamada but she had to go back sch.
so change to nxt sat. haha!
after my jap class, bought something to eat.
& off to cp to meet dentist sze!! hahaha! =)
i reach cp earlier than him so waited for a while.
while waiting, i saw shirley, eileen they all. ^^
long time never see them alr luh!
talk to them for awhile and waited again...
in the end, saw dentist going inside the bus interchange
and was talking to eileen they all! LOL!
end up, maisarah and the rest of the NPCC ppl was there too. haha!
took the same bus as them! =)
alighted the bus & off to find raudhah's hse! ^^
& we DID NOT get lost! whoo! we rock! hahaha! =DDD
zi ce was there alr. so yeah...
waited for raudhah to go fetch her "children".
dentist and i taught her poa.
we kinda forget some of it liao le.
but still, it was fine. ^^
good thing i teach her on the theory part.
& dentist teach the practical part! hahaha! =P
had fun while teaching too. ^^
then dentist did his japanese stuff on his washi paper!
hahaha! & when he speaks japanese like indian! XD
laugh die me! hahaha! =DDD
spent some time play games on my iphone also. :X
then zi ce left and left the two of us.
at ard 6+, we left her hse too. ^^
walked frm her hse back home. =)
companied dentist to wait for his bus and went home.
well... guess that's all..
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