Monday, June 15, 2009

QUIZ~ tagged by MISS WENLI! =)
Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed.?
- Erm... Cheeks? depends.

How do you feel when you woke up this morning.?
- I felt hyper & want to use the comp.

Who was the last person you took a photo with.?
- my mum & brothers.

Would you consider yourself to be spoilt.?
- not really.

Would you ever donate blood.?
- nope. but i would want to.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex.?
- of course.

Do you want someone dead.?
- Nope, unless the person is the one that i HATE the MOST.

What does your last text message say.?
- K see you.

What are you thinking of right now.?
- Boys over flowers & KOIKE TEPPEI! <333
(always thinking of Koike Teppei! NO DOUBT!!)

Do you wish someone was with you right now.?
- yeah. & that would be KOIKE TEPPEI! ^^

What time did you go to sleep last night.?
- 12 plus.

Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now.?
- i have forgotten about it.

Is someone on your mind right now.?
- Koike Teppei <333

Who was the last person to text you.?
- Kris.

10 people tagged to do this quiz:{Can I tag the same person? /:}
(01) Joey.
(02) Ashley.
(03) Lillian.
(04) Adelene.
(05) Jia Ling.
(06) Darren.
(07) Faizal.
(08) Kaiwen.
(09) Dorothy.
(10) Jasmine.

Who is 2 having a relationship with.?
- nobody.

Is 3 a male or a female.?
- Female.

If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing.?
- don't know.

What is 1 studying about.?
- erm.. lots of things.

Is 4 single.?
- yeah.

Say something about 8.?
- my best friend. =)

What do you think about 3 and 6 being together.?
- i don't know about that.

Describe 9.
- sweet, nice & friendly. ^^
What'll you do if 5 and 7 fight.?
- nope!
Do you like 1.?
- of course.

Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around (including yourself for Number 4):{It's random.}
01. Sandy
02. Wendy.
03. Lillian.
04. Grace.
05. Zixian.
06. Jie Ying.
07. Joey.
08. Ashley.

These 8 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year.
There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up.
There are 4 rooms, who would be in each room.?
- Room1: Wendy & Lillian.
- Room2: Joey & Ashley.
- Room3: Grace & Zixian.
- Room4: Sandy & Jie Ying.

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be.?
- Joey! =)

If someone was considered the dad and the mum of the house, who would it be.?
- erm... Dad??? this hse is filled with GIRLS!!!
If you wanted candy really badly and all 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from.?
- hmm... ALL!!! =D

If two ppl were caught making out in a closet, who would it be.?
- okay... that sounds so wrong. (i have no idea.)

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth every morning, who would it be.?
- Zixian. cause she will be living in the same room as me! ^^

Two bags of chips were bought at the store, but 20 mins later, they are gone. Who ate it.?
- hmm... ALL of them except me.. =(

Who would hate being in the house the most.?
- Joey & Ashley! since they will always hang out.

Someone took brand spanking new pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief.?
- i don't know. (i not really sure on that one!)

If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing.?
- depends. maybe Me & Joey or Joey & Ashley??

Who would be the one missing their boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn't in the house.?
- JOEY & ME! cause my KOIKE TEPPEI is in JAPAN! X(

You walk down the stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thongs, who is the crazy one.?
- hmm... don't know. i guess the craziest person in the house?!

A pillow fight broke through, who started it.?
- Me, Joey, Ashley!! =) & maybe Zixian? haha! ^^

There's a marathon of your favourite TV show. What is it.?
- Boys Over Flowers, Animes, Shibatora (Jap-Drama), Fairy-Odd Parents & etc.

Who would be watching it with you.?

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who were the kids.?
- erm... nobody?

There are pranksters in the house who put plastic on the 2 toilets in the house, who are they.?
- don't know. haha! =)

The music's too loud, who turned it up.?
- JOEY (definitely!) & maybe Ashley or Me.

There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
(a) Who's the first one to scream.?
- i think should be everybody except for Jie Ying. since she like not afraid of these pests.

(b) Who's the first one to jump in someone's arms.?
- I don't know.

(c) Who would be the first one to kill it.?
- nobody. since majority of us are afraid of it.

(d) Someone's crying, who is it.? And what happened.?
- not sure on that one.

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire.?
- don't know.

Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house.?
- erm... nobody?

Someone's tanning on the roof, who is it.?
- Joey! since she wants to get black!

Who is the tallest in the house.?
- Jie Ying & Zixian! =)
Who's the shortest in the house.?
- well... that would be Lillian.

Who is the loudest.?
- JOEY! X)

Who is the clown.?
- hmm... not sure.

Who is the most respectful.?
- Ashley. haha! ^^
Who is the one you go talk to most.?
Who is the one who always comes up with stupid ideas.?
- either Zixian, Wendy or Me.

Who's in bed first.?
- Wendy & Jie Ying! they always sleep very early esp Jie Ying.

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans, who would it be.?
- Joey maybe?

Who is always dancing.?
- depends. Me or Joey?

You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one who slipped on it first.?
- Joey or Jie Ying. haha! =D
well... end of quiz! this is very long one & it is a fun one too! =)

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