Wednesday, June 24, 2009


konnichiwa mina! =)
i just finished my work ytr!
i mean working! nt hmwk!
speaking of hmwk, there are still many left!
oh well... hope i can finish in time!!
anw i had been working for the
past three days at Bugis! ^^
& ytr was the last day of work! yay!
& i will get my pay TODAY!! XD
hahaha! X) man! homeworking now..
so bored lah. currently very obsess with
KOIKE TEPPEI!!! XD well... as always lah.
hahaha! =D but i also like KIM HYUN JOONG!!!
he very shuai lah! =) KIM BUM very cutee! ^^
LOL! okay okay! hmm... nth much these days though.
oh oh! & i just finished my SS workshop today! (^_^)
i went to sch on mon, tues & wed (today) for this
SS workshop mah. so ya... until 10.30am.
okay then. i shall end here. nth else to type le.
almost forget about this! hahaha! Xp
oh~ & MRS YAMADA sorry for the late replies
on the last few days. i was working. hahaha! =)
before i end here. Here is the Picture of the DAY! ^^ enjoy!

nice right?! the Ferris Wheel very nice & colourful! the colour contrast is GREAT! =D


Friday, June 19, 2009


heyy people!
tml is finally the day..
of my JAP EXAM!! XD
well... still preparing for it
but is revising AGAIN le.
for how many times? dont ask me that!
cause i dont know how many times.
& is countless so forget it! haha! ^^
anw wish me luck for tml!
i wont be going for poa tuition tml though.
i have Jap Exam & Family Gathering tml!
so nt going.. if JOEY, SANDY, DARREN & KARWONG
read this, please do tell me what your did
there & what things i need to know & all!
btw i just came back from Bugis again!
haha! i will be working there for 3 days.
not today lah! cause my dad's friend going overseas.
so i will be helping for 3 days! =)
so ya... well... guess i go watch Boys Over Flower
awhile then go CHIONG MY JAP le! hahaha... ^^
seriously WISH MY LUCK~!!! XD
btw here is the picture for the day! enjoy! ^^

currently my display picture for msn. hahaha! =)

Thursday, June 18, 2009


hiya people! =)
i'm back again!
yup! i am homeworking
& blogging right now! ^^
anw today is boring
though is like starting of the day only
but i can tell you there
will not be anything much to do.
except for hmwk & studying.
so i shall upload picture! X)
FYI: these photos are taken a long time ago.
is all THIS YEAR's photos
but i havent got a chance to put up yet.
so now i am putting them HERE!! XD
ENJOY??!! hahaha! (^.^)
(NOTE: Sorry if the pictures are blur.)

isnt the sky BEAUTIFUL!! esp the CLOUDS!!! XD & it is at night! ^^

these pictures are from the NETBALL FAREWELL PARTY! =D

ohh~ there is also a plaque but i nv took pic of that. (i forgot about it. Xp)

well... that's all for now! BYEEE~ T.T.F.N. TA TA FOR NOW! =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


heyy people =)
seriously this holiday is
i am so lacking of time now!
i am homeworking & blogging
at the same time. hahaha!
so not focusing! but anw
my Jap exam is like a few days a way!
& i still not prepared yet.
well... not really mentally preparing though. =x
so is like an emergency!!
haiz... busy busy busy! man!
now no time to watch lah!
must chiong all my work!! dying... XP
btw i went for POA tuition with JOEY ytr!!! =)
we are kinda late though. but then when we
are there, the pest control was there smoking
the WHOLE PLACE!! & we couldnt get in.
plus we dont know the code to go in.
hai wo yi zhi an dou kai bu liao!! HMPH!
CHOU DARREN!!! XP but then i manage to open
the gate for the CARS instead. hahaha! ^^
& we realised auntie lai leng wasnt at home lah.
after that went to hougang mall eat lunch with JO!
(which was true that it is CUTE!)
and texted DARREN about it. hahaha! =D
after that walked around awhile more then went home.
well... guess that's all. gtg back to homework le.

Monday, June 15, 2009

QUIZ~ tagged by MISS WENLI! =)
Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed.?
- Erm... Cheeks? depends.

How do you feel when you woke up this morning.?
- I felt hyper & want to use the comp.

Who was the last person you took a photo with.?
- my mum & brothers.

Would you consider yourself to be spoilt.?
- not really.

Would you ever donate blood.?
- nope. but i would want to.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex.?
- of course.

Do you want someone dead.?
- Nope, unless the person is the one that i HATE the MOST.

What does your last text message say.?
- K see you.

What are you thinking of right now.?
- Boys over flowers & KOIKE TEPPEI! <333
(always thinking of Koike Teppei! NO DOUBT!!)

Do you wish someone was with you right now.?
- yeah. & that would be KOIKE TEPPEI! ^^

What time did you go to sleep last night.?
- 12 plus.

Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now.?
- i have forgotten about it.

Is someone on your mind right now.?
- Koike Teppei <333

Who was the last person to text you.?
- Kris.

10 people tagged to do this quiz:{Can I tag the same person? /:}
(01) Joey.
(02) Ashley.
(03) Lillian.
(04) Adelene.
(05) Jia Ling.
(06) Darren.
(07) Faizal.
(08) Kaiwen.
(09) Dorothy.
(10) Jasmine.

Who is 2 having a relationship with.?
- nobody.

Is 3 a male or a female.?
- Female.

If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing.?
- don't know.

What is 1 studying about.?
- erm.. lots of things.

Is 4 single.?
- yeah.

Say something about 8.?
- my best friend. =)

What do you think about 3 and 6 being together.?
- i don't know about that.

Describe 9.
- sweet, nice & friendly. ^^
What'll you do if 5 and 7 fight.?
- nope!
Do you like 1.?
- of course.

Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around (including yourself for Number 4):{It's random.}
01. Sandy
02. Wendy.
03. Lillian.
04. Grace.
05. Zixian.
06. Jie Ying.
07. Joey.
08. Ashley.

These 8 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year.
There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up.
There are 4 rooms, who would be in each room.?
- Room1: Wendy & Lillian.
- Room2: Joey & Ashley.
- Room3: Grace & Zixian.
- Room4: Sandy & Jie Ying.

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be.?
- Joey! =)

If someone was considered the dad and the mum of the house, who would it be.?
- erm... Dad??? this hse is filled with GIRLS!!!
If you wanted candy really badly and all 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from.?
- hmm... ALL!!! =D

If two ppl were caught making out in a closet, who would it be.?
- okay... that sounds so wrong. (i have no idea.)

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth every morning, who would it be.?
- Zixian. cause she will be living in the same room as me! ^^

Two bags of chips were bought at the store, but 20 mins later, they are gone. Who ate it.?
- hmm... ALL of them except me.. =(

Who would hate being in the house the most.?
- Joey & Ashley! since they will always hang out.

Someone took brand spanking new pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief.?
- i don't know. (i not really sure on that one!)

If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing.?
- depends. maybe Me & Joey or Joey & Ashley??

Who would be the one missing their boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn't in the house.?
- JOEY & ME! cause my KOIKE TEPPEI is in JAPAN! X(

You walk down the stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thongs, who is the crazy one.?
- hmm... don't know. i guess the craziest person in the house?!

A pillow fight broke through, who started it.?
- Me, Joey, Ashley!! =) & maybe Zixian? haha! ^^

There's a marathon of your favourite TV show. What is it.?
- Boys Over Flowers, Animes, Shibatora (Jap-Drama), Fairy-Odd Parents & etc.

Who would be watching it with you.?

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who were the kids.?
- erm... nobody?

There are pranksters in the house who put plastic on the 2 toilets in the house, who are they.?
- don't know. haha! =)

The music's too loud, who turned it up.?
- JOEY (definitely!) & maybe Ashley or Me.

There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
(a) Who's the first one to scream.?
- i think should be everybody except for Jie Ying. since she like not afraid of these pests.

(b) Who's the first one to jump in someone's arms.?
- I don't know.

(c) Who would be the first one to kill it.?
- nobody. since majority of us are afraid of it.

(d) Someone's crying, who is it.? And what happened.?
- not sure on that one.

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire.?
- don't know.

Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house.?
- erm... nobody?

Someone's tanning on the roof, who is it.?
- Joey! since she wants to get black!

Who is the tallest in the house.?
- Jie Ying & Zixian! =)
Who's the shortest in the house.?
- well... that would be Lillian.

Who is the loudest.?
- JOEY! X)

Who is the clown.?
- hmm... not sure.

Who is the most respectful.?
- Ashley. haha! ^^
Who is the one you go talk to most.?
Who is the one who always comes up with stupid ideas.?
- either Zixian, Wendy or Me.

Who's in bed first.?
- Wendy & Jie Ying! they always sleep very early esp Jie Ying.

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans, who would it be.?
- Joey maybe?

Who is always dancing.?
- depends. Me or Joey?

You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one who slipped on it first.?
- Joey or Jie Ying. haha! =D
well... end of quiz! this is very long one & it is a fun one too! =)

Friday, June 12, 2009


heyy people! =)
i'm finally back! ^^
anw i shall be straightforward.
cause i going to go watch
Boys Over Flowers (Korea Ver.)
so i shall not drag too long.
tomorrow's Jap Exam had been
POSTPONED to Nxt Wk!!!
which means i need not rush
& i can study more & score better!
yay! but then again, i cant go for I.2 yet.
& also i want to get over ^ done with it.
so ya... next week then.
these days lots of things happened.
i will not go into details for that.
it is not really a happy thing though...
btw today is also my last day of lessons!
i will be having my rest for one week.
though i dont think i will be relaxing.
as i will be studying my Jap & doing hmwk.
so ya... ^^ but for the last week of Jun,
will be returning to sch for the 1st 3 days
for SS course that we had before. =)
i will be going for POA tuition tml.
but i guess i wont be going for nxt wk
since i had something on! (^^,)
well... i gtg le! me go watch Boys Over Flowers le!