hey people! =)
finally i update right? :X
anw really busy these days
so couldnt find time to blog.
well... since bunny (Wendy) asked me
to update my blog, i shall update now!
if not, no time liao! haha! :)
anw these few weeks got tons of projects!
& this sem alot of grps work!
make me blur only luh. dont know which grp is grp! :X
mix up like most of the grouping! oops! Xp
but like next week got coming test.
& like week 5, 6 & 7 all got either tests or presentations!
haiz... like this week alr got informal presentation alr.
omt! so many things to doooo~ :(((
dont like luh! sigh...
i want to watchhhhhhhhhh! hehe! ^^
so excited! LOL! =D
well... shall end here.
31th October 2010, Sunday
hey people! =)
went to bugis for lunch with family. ^^
haha! we went to Japanese restaurant. =D
the lunch was filling & awesomely nice! :)))
then after that, went for shopping!
wanted to buy new clothes, but couldnt find the one i like.
then in the end, my dad bought me a necklace! <3
hahaha! the necklace is super pretty & cute! :D
hehe! then after that, shop ard for awhile then head home.
since i had tutorials to do, went back home with my bros.
while my parents head to cp. ^^
well... guess that's all.
30th October 2010, Saturday
hey people! =)
went back to sch for event.
the event is nihongo de asobou (LET'S PLAY IN JAPANESE LANGUAGE)
went to sch then head to JAS (Japanese Association of Singapore)!
well... for this event, we have to speak everything in jap.
so like you can only speak jap & no eng or chi! haha!
good practice for my JLPT 3 anw. ^^
it was funnn~ :D
we played a total of 4 games.
it is like station games & we will be competing with other schs too.
there is like MOELC, universities, tp, rp & others.
we are like group H! haha! :)
JAS damn niceee~ is like some country club.
got a shop which sells all jap stuff.
so if you want to buy any jap food, can go there. haha! ^^
i bought ramune candy & mochi! <3
very nice worhhh~ hahaha! =D
then we head to the ballroom for the event.
& is like we attending some wedding. LOL!
surprisingly, we were like the first to reach. haha!
after that, other ppl started filling up the seats.
& the event finally began! ^^
before we went for the station games, they teached us to fold origami!
good thing I in origami one. so easier for me. ^^
our first station was like you have to guess the answer by asking qns.
there were 3 categories: Anime, Sports & Food.
so like you choose one of them & the points ranging from 10-30.
& we chose food for the first one.
both of the groups guess super long for that qns. LOL!
but in the end, we guessed it first! yay! ^^
then the next anime qns, we guessed it too! :)
we were leading at first but in the end, we lose. oh well...
it was fun anw! :DDD
after that, we head back to our seats.
& waited for the next station.
our next one was harder. there were like 3 games in this station.
the first one was that they will give us a topic & you will have to say something
related to the topic & goes by the rhythm.
if you stop for too long or repeat the word the other team said,
the point will go to the other team.
that one was quite easy but some of the topics you dont know
& those that you want to say has alr been said. so is abit hard.
but still it's fine.
the 2nd one is pass the message!
well... you may think it is easy but is not.
the first one was easy cause the message was hana yori dango!
but the 2nd one was harder & longer!
& until my turn to sit the front, my one was some long para!!!
somemore all in jap & you have to remb.
plus it doesnt really make sense! omgggg!! O.O
& the message could only passed it to the 3rd person.
& some of them i forget alr! omt! :X
but still we won that rd! heng uh! hahaha! :)
the last game was that we have to continue the word.
is something like the chinese game.
like hong lu deng, deng long like that.
use the last word to continue & make a new word.
except for this time rd is in jap!
good thing mine was quite easy. hahaha! ^^
well... that one really test ur vocabs, nouns, adverbs & adjectives.
still we lost the to the other grp.
after that, we had break! :D
during break, we can go try out the game that the japanese played.
& of course there were refreshments. :)
after the break, we continue playing.
3rd one test our reaction & ability to listen jap & read the kanji.
the game master will read a sentence & it will include the words
that were on the whiteboard. & you have to use the wen zi pai to hit the word!
hahahaha! well... didnt get one though.
cause always the same time as the other person.
if is at the same time, then the game master will take the card away.
so equals to draw. & points will be given to both teams.
but in the end, the other grp won. oh well...
the next game for that station also tested our reaction & ability to listen jap.
you have to hold two flags, white & red.
then the game master will say raise ur red flag or white one.
or raise both up or down all in japanese.
& each rd, he will say it faster & faster.
so you have to listen properly & react fast! haha! :)
our first team lost cause they couldnt catch up.
the other team damn strong! LOL!
then it was my team's turn to play.
my team better cause we played until the last few rd
then some two of my team members were out.
so left me & jia jia! :X
the other grp got 3 left luh. sianx...
oh well... anw they aren't university for nth right?! haha.
then we rested while waiting for time to pass then change station.
the last station also had two games.
the first one was some sort like a test.
we had to do the crossword puzzle.
but is the easy kind. cause you only need to fill in one word & the rest fit.
so like the 5 of us took the "test".
i was the last one. the first two were in katakana.
the next two were in hiragana. then my one was in kanji!!
wth!!! good thing i anyhow write also correct! LOLLL! :D
then the 2nd game was something like taboo.
one person sitted facing back the screen is the one guessing.
the other person sitted facing the screen is the one giving clues.
so like you cnt say the word on the screen.
you can only describe it to the person.
haha! that one was fun! but you have to describe in jap is still quite hard.
still it was fine. & we managed to guess quite alot. haha! ^^
after that, it was time to present the winners! :)
the first one was MOELC! (as expected!)
second was NTU!
the third one i forget alr! hahaha! :X
anw we didnt get any prizes. it all goes to the unis & MOELC.
so ya... but anw i did had fun! that is the most impt thing! haha! =D
thereafter, we head back home.
some of them head back to sch for halloween! haha!
didnt went for halloween since i wasnt free at night.
so couldnt make it. haha! :)
well... guess that's all.
this was the game that the Japanese played! :)
the wooden "gun". haha! ^^
during break time! :D
my ramune candy & blueberry mochi! <333
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